Not sure if you will see this, in the light of your post, but just to say I hope it goes well, and also that I am very much in tune with a statement from Suzuki, a Zen master: A Zen student must learn to waste time conscientiously

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I love this.

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Look forward to reading your post when you come back from internet hiatus!

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Jan 30Liked by Julie Falatko

I ♥️ this! Enjoy your sabbatical! Inspiring.

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Good luck with this. I hope is a relaxing and productive recharge and that you get more ideas than you know what to do with!

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Jan 31Liked by Julie Falatko

I love this. Reconnecting is key.

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Also I love your sense of humor, Julie. Your description of beans was brilliant and hilarious.

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Wait, should I share? Because if I do that means I'm on the internet, right? Help! I'm so confused!

Seriously, I'm up for moderation in all things. There are things I can do using the web that I simply couldn't do without it. I have access to a lot more information (if you're a writer information access is so helpful) and I can keep connected to people I want to keep connected with. In my case it's more about being mindful about what I am and am not doing (like shopping for those perfect little black pants), playing endless games of Spider Solitare, and Candy Crush, those are the things I want to cut out.

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Yeah, for sure, I'm not sure I'd want to get rid of the internet forever. But I'm all for getting rid of its pull on me.

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Jan 30Liked by Julie Falatko

Julie- applauding your decision. (Annoyed, because as I start to type this reply, a frickin' ad pops up!! ARRRGGGHHH!!!)

DO NOT READ and DO NOT REPLY to this message.

Congrats on your decision. I was without my computer for a week and relished the relative relaxation and rest.

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Jan 30·edited Jan 30Liked by Julie Falatko

This one hit me right in my addled scattered brain. Currently listening to Cal Newport's Deep Work (after having read it a year ago). I'm with you in wanting less mindless screen time in the endless search for something meaningful that truly is not there. Rather than quitting the internet, though (but GO YOU!) I'm going to try Newport's suggestion of scheduling screen time and sticking to that: no screen time outside those scheduled segments. Haven't decided yet what these will look like, but your post today has gotten me to commit to doing it. Thanks, as always, for your wonderful writing on thought-provoking thoughts.

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Did you do the scheduled screen time thing? I'm intrigued by this. And how is your reread (listen) of Deep Work? Maybe I should reread it! It's been a while. Mostly I'm waiting for his next book, which comes out next Tuesday.

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Jan 30Liked by Julie Falatko

Huzzah! I may follow too! Meanwhile I recommend subscribing to Ranch Gordo’s Bean Club. Yes, they are taking your money probably via the internet, but in exchange you are receive quarterly boxes in snail mail filled with six varied pounds of life and soul expanding sustenance. I bet you could call them on a landline to complete the deal.

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I used to subscribe to that! I loved it! But it was a lot of beans. I do love their beans, but it was a lot of beans. (Not everyone in my house is as gung ho about beans as I am.)

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Jan 30Liked by Julie Falatko

Congrats, Julie. I just about threw my phone across the room as I was reading this, just to get the Internet away from me. I may join you! See you on the other side someday 👋

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I recently experimented with turning off notifications on my phone, and deleting social media apps. This means I end up checking my email far less, and only using social media occasionally, when I’m willing to download the app. I spend less time online, which leads me to feeling less inclined to go online. It’s interesting how quickly the Internet loses its pull when you’re not used to being on it a lot.

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Oh, yeah, deleting the social media apps off my phone was hugely helpful. At the beginning of the year I moved the gmail app off the home screen of my phone. I kept opening it mindlessly. That has helped too. And it's amazing how some time away from the internet causes it to be not-so-shiny anymore.

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Good luck!! In this vein, have you read How To Do Nothing by Jenny Odell? It's a fantastic start into retraining ones brain.

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YES! I love love love that book.

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Thank you Julie and best of luck! I deleted my social media apps a while back from my phone. I guilt-ly still check from my computer but I will say I do feel icky so that's a sign and I've pretty much stopped posting unless it's some promotion thing. I still take pics when I travel but rarely do I post. Just can't be bothered or I'll just do a single photo dump. I do install the apps when I go on vacation or a writing conference and then immediately delete when I'm back home. I think I'm ready for the next step in reducing my Internet time. thanks for the inspiration.

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I am the same, Darshana, as far as only doing social media (it's really only Instagram for me at this point) on my computer, and only to promote things. It took me a while to realize -- I don't want to share all these photos of my life. I mean, in some ways I do, but not on social media. It's too weird, and too sticky, and for me I tend to go back and check repeatedly to see if anyone reacted to it. It's not good for me.

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