Nov 19, 2023Liked by Julie Falatko

Stalling out in the middle, gahhhhh. Any helpful tips for that?

Also Re:3 my parents saw birds in Costa Rica doing this after it rained!

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Nov 16, 2023Liked by Julie Falatko

I grew up on Hood Creamed Cottage Cheese, particularly served with iceberg lettuce and oil and vinegar, or as a watery layer in lasagna. Not a huge fan these days, but will occasionally indulge secretly for old-time's sake.

I LOVE Tadpoles. It's wonderful in so many ways.

I am a terrible marketer. And this post reminded me to pause my current illustration struggle to spend a few minutes marketing a book coming out in a couple months.

Thanks as always for your insights!

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I just have to say that these pictures and that rhyme are giving me life today. Love this!!

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I think you might be onto something with the kelp and poop song idea. Made me laugh out loud! Also, I can attest to the fact that bird poop would make great building material. I have a parrotlet, and his poop, once dry, is like cement!

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There's something about the all-caps of HOOD'S CREAMED COTTAGE CHEESE that makes me read it, "Hood Screamed 'Cottage Cheese!'" You go, Hood! Let it all out!

Also, we have a ton of cormorants here (esp. by the aforementioned salmon elevator) and they poop EVERYWHERE so I always just thought they were just sh*tty birds! It's so nice to know that they were, in fact, constructing. They may still be sh*tty, but they are sh*tty creatives, and that makes them infinitely cooler in my book. :) So thank you for that!

Substack sent that Matthew McConaughey post to me, and I loved it, as well! In other "omg, me, too"-ness: I also call some of my drafts zero drafts, I love that you love Meat Puppets because my favorite Nirvana song is their cover of Plateau; and I really enjoyed A Little Like Waking, too (though I think my Goodreads review--in my defense, a 5 star one!--may have gotten me un-followed by a certain writer). 😂

In "future twins-ing" news, I will have to watch Derry Girls. The way you described it sounds verrrrry enticing.

It's always a delight to read/hear what you've been pondering! Hugs! Hope your Thanksgiving is wonderful, if we don't chat again before then.

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Hi Julie! I was so happy to see a post from you this week because I always love your posts. First of all, I’m a huge fan of Derry Girls and recommend it to everyone. The blend of absurd humor and heart is exactly my jam. Totally with you on that. And second of all, I love your thoughts on book promotion and letting go of strategy. I’m constantly thinking about how to navigate this whole online presence thing and I kinda hate that. Sometimes it feels like writing a post or making a video balances out my work day because I’ve learned if I focus on book stuff all the time, I can get burned out. However, the amount of time I spend thinking about my newsletter or social media strategy or trying to do the things i’m “supposed” to do to grow an online presence takes up a lot more space than that one post.

When I’m quiet, my brain likes to think about things it doesn’t understand — things it wants to problem solve. I want those things mainly to be my stories but a lot of times my brain is working on processing the whole idea of social media because I can’t seem to get settled about any of it. Ideally, I would love to write posts and make dumb videos and send them out and then stop thinking about them. But that’s not actually what happens…I don’t just press submit and let it go. I keep hoping I can train myself into that so this whole social media stuff feels better, but so far I haven’t been successful. As you’ve explored, have you found an approach that allows you to do that? Does your sharing what you love about your book strategy help you do that?

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Oh wow, that play-by-play of Matthew McCoughnahey on the Jimmy Fallon show -- crazy! Truly insane.... Makes me feel like I'm never goign to sell a book! lol

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