Apr 11Liked by Julie Falatko

Oh my god, Julie. I'm crying. Just a beautiful, real post that captured so much of what I've been feeling at a similar juncture of life with my writing, my values, and my kids. Thank you.

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A big YES to being ourselves. I think there's a really fascinating tension in human nature between want to be a part of something (the tribe) and wanting to express our unique essence. And that tension varies by person. There's no answer. We all need to find that balance for ourselves.

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These pictures are absolutely delightful! I live in Florida, so nowhere near the eclipse path, unfortunately, but I loved reading about it here. Who cares what everyone else is writing about, I'm glad you wrote about this! And now I want to go pick out and make my own one of a kind curtains!

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Apr 11Liked by Julie Falatko

Wow Julie, this was so moving. Thank you for sharing.

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Apr 11Liked by Julie Falatko

This was beautiful and should be published for a wider audience!

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Yes, good words to shift the awkward start to my day!

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Apr 11Liked by Julie Falatko

Thanks, Julie. This moved me. Words the universe knew I needed to read right at this moment. Hope you are well!!

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I love your descriptions of making the curtains uniquely their own and then being your wondering, experiencing self among the crowd-that combination of knowing and not knowing how something is going to turn out and knowing yet know knowing how you connect to it (until it happens!) I wasn’t going to write about the eclipse either, and I may still not, but I feel okay holding the tension, wondering what magic will come out of me 😊

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It seems we are all going back to community building instead of fiercely racking up internet points.

Brownie points have always been the best.

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