Julie, I absolutely love that you are doing this. I had the same thoughts while reading A Swim in the Pond in the Rain and you are so smart to formalize this practice and bring it to other creatives! I have zero time to participate at the moment but maybe if it’s still going into the new year I can join in?

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It won't be happening in the new year because I can only manage to do it for a few weeks, but I encourage you to do it whenever you have the chance! I did it in an organized way two years ago, intentionally reading as many short stories as I could and writing to them. You can do that!

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Julie, I'm running so far behind on my reading right now (even my Substacks, which I adore!) so I may just be able to fit in the reading vs. the writing (I am in the midst of a lot of revising)--but I love that opportunity, anyhow. :) Even if I don't have an immediate ability to put them into use as fodder for PBs right now--maybe they'll spark something later (or in my revisions!)! Hugs from your delinquent reader (but continuing big fan)!

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You know that George Saunders has an amazing Substack newsletter, right?! He is endlessly generous and, of course, brilliant with what he shares - paid or unpaid. It's called Story Club. Oddly, about a year ago, I was inspired by one of his stories to create a picture book! I am excited you are doing this! Here is the link to Story Club: https://georgesaunders.substack.com

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Sounds like a fun challenge! I’m jumping on board.

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