Loved this! This newsletter is one of the main drivers keeping me in check, both with writing and balancing internet / woods time. I am going to find a spot in the woods to sit away from my phone ASAP! Definitely looking for balance when trying to sell a book via the intertubes and needing space to live and breathe.

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Hey Julie,

Lovely to hear from you! I’m reading Cal Newport’s new book also. Duh! How could I not? I’m also finding Substack a little overwhelming as a reader. The standard is a weekly post. That’s great if you have something new and worthwhile to say, but some of these people who used to have something great to say weekly are running out of ways to say it. As Cal preaches, obsess over quality. I’d rather read occasional posts of worth, than weekly or more often posts that fill space and time but make me hit delete quickly. So thank you for doing this whole thing mindfully and honestly. I’ll keep following THAT journey. Congratulations on all the things…

New book, writing, thrift store finds, time spent outside.🌤️🌈

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Hi Julie! It is good to see your face and also to hear that writing is happening for you in the background. Your whole journey away from the internet has been very inspirational for me. I've been trying to figure out why I'm so drawn to checking my phone for emails and texts as well; I think might be partly about having something to look forward to? Like something to pull me out of the monotony of life sometimes? I don't even know what I'm hoping to receive -- it feels like wanting to receive a package in the mail and I just keep checking my mailbox for it. (And sometimes I check it even though I know it isn't supposed to get there for another few days.)

Anyway, congrats on your book news! Cheering you and your writing on from over here :) (Also substack IS feeling so overwhelming now. And I've had my email settings off the entire time and I still feel it!)

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