Jan 12Liked by Julie Falatko

Bravo on the sewing successes! Both look very profesh. I abhor sewing. I want to make lovely things but it also makes me bananas. Honestly, writing is easier! (and writing is hard).

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I like your jacket. Especially the pencil pocket.

This past year I smothered my beginner's mind with a handmade pillow. I quit the makerspace that I loved and abandoned all of my neglected projects. I feel better. Quitting things is easy and fun.

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Jan 12Liked by Julie Falatko

Very wise advice! And I liked the bit about the ghost of James Marshall helping...if only!

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Love the jacket and skirt! And your post/video is making me open my novel- that I’m struggling with, to continue to move forward with it! As I want it to be a book, and the only way for that to happen is to actually write it and finish it! So thank you.

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Jan 12Liked by Julie Falatko

As always your insights really resonate Julie. You have such a way with words and expression.

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I love this video. (And congrats on the sewing successes!) Having a beginner's mindset and recognizing that learning a new thing is challenging and will take longer than you think is SO important. (As is realizing that the creating process isn't always a smooth experience.)

I have a million sewing projects I want to attempt, but I'm trying to stick with the new things I've just started, especially because some of those new things might become part of my creative practice. The pleasure and satisfaction of making something for yourself with your own hands is unmatched though, whether you're wearing it or just look at it.

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So much to love here. I always want to sew my own clothes and have A LOT of half-seamed garments with the pins and pattern paper still in them. Or did, before we moved.

But that video stitch. And “the ghost of James Marshall.” Both made me cackle while everyone in my house is still sleeping.

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