Jun 16, 2023Liked by Julie Falatko

Oof, this hits on so many things I've been struggling with! I have a singular talent for getting in my own way, but maybe I can channel Ylla a bit and just "buy the bear" without overthinking it so much.

I had also not heard of her, but her work reminds me of Dare Wright and her Lonely Doll books. Have you seen those?

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Jun 16, 2023Liked by Julie Falatko

Thank you for that question at the end of your video, Julie. Currently, I’m recovering from being ill, and not on my planned writing retreat, and yet, so far this cloudy, cool morning, for the first time in weeks, I’m called to the page. Life is weird. And short. And constantly sending the unexpected ox across our path. Looking forward to reading more about this “lost” photographer.

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OMG, Julie! I loved this share so much! I did not know about Ylla (certainly not, esp. not as a creator)--BUT now I am remembering that my Mom had The Sleepy Little Lion b&w picture book! I mean, it wasn't mine--LOL!--it was actually *hers* on her shelf of books, and I guess I got it down a few times because I remember it--the lion cub basically goes to sleep all over the place--with like, some kids, maybe?, but I esp. remember the spread where his mom is yelling at him (or I think I do? Maybe that was a different book). Anyhow, now I need to go find that book ASAP and thank you for jogging all this. Now I'm remembering another animal photo book that I loved, too, that was definitely vintage. So much bubbling up! 😍

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I love this discovery -- I’ve never heard of Ylla either but I definitely feel inspired by her life. Like you, I want to write a novel and after I finish the art for my debut picture book, my plan is to go for it even though I’m overwhelmed and don’t know where to start. Novels have so many pieces to juggle -- and I need to learn how to juggle. Way to go on your novel(s)! Excited to see what you do next. Also I saw your book announcements -- congrats!!!!

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Jun 16, 2023Liked by Julie Falatko

This was so inspiring. Thanks, Julie!

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I've never heard of Ylla either! That book looks adorable. I'm tempted to look up more of her photographs and books right now, but instead I'm taking your message to heart and am going to work on my novel instead. And then maybe Google her later. :)

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